discover my journey

Irina Roman
From a young age, I have been fascinated by the world of energies, always seeking to understand the deeper purpose of life and to explore the sensations I felt within. My journey began in adolescence with the practice of Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and crystal therapy. With each practice, I got an even deeper understanding of what energy work and healing are. My path took a significant turn when I discovered Reiki. In 2002, I began practising the radiant technique with Magda Balanescu. However, my thirst for deeper knowledge and connection led me further. I had the honour of meeting Don Beckett, under whose guidance I received traditional Reiki initiations. My exploration didn't stop there; I continued with Shambala, Usui Reiki, and Komyo Reiki, learning from the esteemed Hyakuten Inamoto. In 2011, I became a certified Reiki instructor, a milestone that allowed me to share this beautiful practice with others. My journey evolved further in 2016 when I embraced Gendai Reiki and was warmly welcomed into the lineage of my master, Hiroshi Doi. I have initiated more than 70 people to the energy of Gendai Reiki. I have offered treatment all over Romania, but also in international contexts like the UK and Italy. I am here to support and guide you on your own journey with Gendai Reiki, helping you connect with your inner light and life purpose.
my main Gendai Reiki lineage
Mikao Usui (Founder of Shin-shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryo-ho)
Kanichi Taketomi (3rd President of Usui Reiki Ryo-ho Gakkai)
Kimiko Koyama (6th President of Usui Reiki Ryo-ho Gakkai)
Hiroshi Doi (Founder of Gendai Reiki-ho)

Komyo Reiki Kai – Hyakuten Inamoto
Lineage: Mikao Usui (Usui Shiki Ryoho) – Chujiro Hayashi – Chiyoko Yamaguchi – Hyakuten Inamoto (Komyo Reiki Kay) Usui
Gendai Reiki Ho – Călin Petru Cotrău
Lineage: Mikao Usui (Usui Reiki Ryoho) – Kanichi Taketomi (3rd President of Usui Reiki Ryo-ho Gakkai) – Kimiko Koyama (6th President of Usui Reiki Ryo-ho Gakkai) – Hiroshi Doi (Gendai Reiki Ho) – Călin Petru Cotrău
Reiki Ryoho and Jourei – Don Beckett
All Love – Patrick Scott Zeigler
Dynamic healing – Călin Petru Cotrău
Angel Light Reiki – Risvan Rusu
Seichim 7 Facet – Risvan Rusu
Cristals – Risvan Rusu
Shamballa – Risvan Rusu
Karuna Reiki – Curin Aurelian
Radiant technique (gr. 2) Magda Bălănescu
Member of Gendai Reiki Ho Madrid
Member of Gendai Reiki Network
Let’s tend our garden’s ancient pine
To prolong even more its long life.
The Gyosei of Emperor Meiji